by Andrew Holecek | Oct 27, 2020 | Interviews
Dustin DiPerna unpacks the difference between states and structures of consciousness, as well the importance of understanding vantage points. Join author Dustin DiPerna for a penetrating look at the power of Integral Theory and the path of Waking Up and Growing Up....
by Andrew Holecek | Sep 12, 2019 | Interviews
Join Andrew in this interview with Jennifer Dumpert, a lively discussion about Liminal Dreaming, that twilight zone of consciousness between waking and dreaming. Also known as the hypnogogic-hypnopompic state, liminal dreaming is a fascinating state where the...
by Andrew Holecek | Jul 16, 2019 | Interviews
Fear, Sleep Yoga, Dreams Of Premonition, Bardo Yoga and Much More! In this delightful interview with Robert Waggoner you’ll get a taste for why Robert is one of the leading voices of lucid dreaming in the West. For over forty years Robert has logged over 1000 lucid...