All Edge of Mind Interviews
The Role of Sound on the Path of Healing and Spiritual Practice with Dr. Kulreet Chaudhary
As a Western physician and Ayurvedic practitioner, Dr. Chaudhary is uniquely situated to bridge the best of the ancient East with the modern West. This conversation focuses on the magic and power of mantra to wake us up spiritually, and to heal us physically. What...
Ken Wilber on Integral Theory, and the Importance of Waking Up, Growing Up, Cleaning Up, and Showing Up
Ken Wilber shares his personal story and then offers an overview of Integral Theory that is not to be missed. Integral Theory has unparalleled explanatory power that covers both the nocturnal and diurnal aspects. This is one reason we invited Ken to be our first interview guest, because the map he describes completely covers the territory we will be exploring.
Roger Walsh MD, PhD on a Wide Range of Provocative Topics That Circumambulate the Lucidity Principle
The shadow elements that accompany lucid dreaming, including spiritual bypassing, nihilism, cosmological dualism, and the “fundamental flaw fallacy.” In this interview with Roger Walsh MD, PhD, Andrew and Roger discuss a wide range of provocative topics that...
Professor Robert Thurman on Buddhism in the West and the Place of Tibetan or Tantric Buddhism
The importance of ethics, morality, and discipline on the path, and the role of Right View. Join Andrew in this interview with Robert Thurman on a wide-ranging discussion, starting with a “state of the union” address about the status of Buddhism in the West, and...
B. Alan Wallace PhD on Lucid Dreaming, Including “What Does it Mean to Say Reality is a Dream?
Joing Alan Wallace in this discussion of the meditations of shamatha and vipashyana, to the dream yoga practice of vipashyana, and Madhyamaka (Middle Way School) and Dzogchen. Join Andrew in this interview with B. Alan Wallace PhD for a truly remarkable...
Journey into the World of Devotion with Kirtan Musician Krishna Das
Join Andrew on this interview with Krishna Das, the renowned Kirtan musician, on a heartfelt journey into the world of devotion, and the role of sound on the path. What is Kirtan, and how does one listen to it? Can you bring music onto the path, and what are the...
Interview with Clare Johnson, Phd | A Deep Dive Into The World Of Nightmares
Join Clare Johnson for a deep dive into the world of nightmares, as we explore her remarkable new book, “The Art of Transforming Nightmares.” Clare proclaims that nightmares are gifts in ugly wrapping paper, and learning how to relate to them as gifts is the first...
Dr. Judson Brewer on the Nuts-and-Bolts of Addiction, and How It Relates to Non-Lucidity.
In this interview with Judson Brewer MD PhD, Andrew and Dr. Brewer take a close look at the nuts-and-bolts of addiction, and how it relates to non-lucidity. Judson shares the recent work of his lab, and the neuroscience that helps us understand how we get hooked...